our wings community
we believe community inspires connection
our commitment
Wings strives for our Members to be happy and purposeful. We want them to be engaged with life. We want people to surround them with love.
We don’t want to worry every day ‘who’s going to watch after her?’ or ‘who's going to be his advocate?’
Every day is approached with channeling intentionality and joy into their lives, which has a ripple effect to their families, our communities and those of us who are blessed to interface with them.
As part of our Day Program, Members can choose two programs that benefit the community outside of Wings. Wings Serves gets Members in the volunteer spirit by packing hygiene and school supply kits that benefit other local nonprofits. Spreading Our Wings gets Members out in the community doing volunteer work at other local nonprofits.
meet the wings community

meet our heroes
“We thank you for your heartfelt interest and your generous support of Wings. As we are assured in Jeremiah, “He has great plans for us – plans to prosper us”! We feel our progress each day at Wings, as we walk our hallways and are inspired by His most beautiful creations: adults with special needs. Your gifts, passion and time are most valued here.”
— Ron Harris, Chairman of the Board